
検索キーワード「multiplication word problems」に一致する投稿を表示しています

[ベスト] keywords for math problems 255448-Keywords for math word problems worksheet

Keywords in Math Word Problems (Look for these keywords in math problems to tell you which operation(s) to do) Add () Subtract () Multiply (x) Divide (÷) Estimate = Round = About = Approximate = Nearest Sum Total In all Increase/Increased by And Together Altogether Both More than Added to Gain CombinedMath 6th grade Variables &1 Read carefully and underline key words 2 Write a Let statement eg let x = 3 Determined whether to use the =, >, <, sign 4 Write and solve the inequality Recall four steps to help solve these types of problems 1 The quotient of a number and 15 is no greater than 450 What are the possible values for the number? Key Words Used In Math Word Problems Spanish English By Armando Reyes Keywords for math word problems worksheet